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Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Flat World?

For those of you that have read The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman, Edward Leamer has written a very witty and intelligent critique to this book. Ed Leamer is a accomplished Economist and is currently a Professor of Economics and Statistics at UCLA. He has four published books and has also written many articles.

While I have not read the full critique yet, I would recommend at least skimming through it. The World is Flat has been heralded in the press and among many professionals as a landmark book. The book attempts to explain the future of globalization and the reasons for it. But with any book that gets famous there are going to be opposing views, and it is important to get both sides. So if you have read the book and thought that it had some interesting insights I would definitely recommend the paper. Also, if you have not read it I would also recommend reading it, for the paper gives a excellent summary of Friedman's proposal as well Leamers view.

It is pretty hilarious too. This is not something you get in most economics papers.

Link to A Flat World, A Level Playing Field, a Small World After All,
or None of the Above? by Edward E. Leamer

1 comment:

dhaiden said...

I've been reading this same commentary Masoud! and yes it is a really good critique. I'm re-reading A Flat World again also in companion to the critique. I definitely recommend reading both together because you get a better sense of each side and whole picture. - US homepage What's News US